Saptarshi Mukerji
Five Healthy Foods That Make You Feel Great
Isn't it amazing that there are hundreds upon hundreds of over-the-counter medications for every possible ailment, ache, pain, and mood - and yet many people still do not look to food as their source of power?
Saptarshi Mukerji
Menu Items for your growing vegetarian toddler
Vegetarian child. The term almost sounds like an oxymoron we’ve joked about through the years, like jumbo shrimp. The words just don’t seem to go together! It's not as unnatural as it may sound.
Saptarshi Mukerji
Doctor Recommended Boot Camps-Weightloss Camps
When you decide that enough is enough and you have found the motivation to finally lose the extra weight you have been carrying around you might want to talk to your personal care physician about doctor recommended boot camps.Your personal care physician will most likely want to give you the once over just to make sure that you are healthy enough to undergo the intense physical demands on your body that comes with doctor recommended boot camps.This is a good thing to do because then you will know that nothing will get in the way of you accomplishing your goals....
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